Confirmation of appointment - If you do not confirm your appointment when a confirmation message is sent, it will be assumed as being cancelled.
Cancellation Policy - Any cancellation or reschedule made in less less than 24hrs will result in a cancellation fee. The amount of the fee will be equal to 50% of the reserved services.
No Shows - If you fail to attend your appointment without 24 hours notification, you will be required to pay 100% of future bookings upfront. 2 strike policy - If there are 2 no shows, I will no longer be able to support your future appointments.
Gift Voucher Policy - Please treat your gift voucher like cash. Lost, stolen or destroyed gift vouchers will not be redeemable. If you turn up without the voucher, your treatment will be cancelled. When purchasing an online voucher, please ensure you have the correct email address of the receiver. Users of Paypal must ensure their Paypal account is verified as it may take up to 3 days before the receiver receives their voucher. This may also happen to those who enter Paypal as a 'Guest' while making a transaction.
Late Arrivals - The time will be taken off your treatment time.